Why Choose Us


As the competition gets fiercer, SWA never gives up on sharpening its capabilities and competitive advantages in order to win the competition. SWA employees must understand and implement the 5 Basic Employee Competencies: religion and nationalism, SWA culture, OHS culture, 5R program, and Service Excellent. As part of SWA's commitment to customer trust, the Company continuously focuses on improving the quality of its products.


Integrity has always been a cornerstone of SWA's culture, and is upheld every day. Integrity is SWA's key to maintaining the credibility of the Company by providing excellent service that is trusted.


For SWA, maintaining high-quality products and services is a top priority. SWA guarantees that its Customers receive the best products and services by regularly conducting quality control.


SWA employees have always been passionate about innovation. SWA strives to build an effective and efficient business for the convenience of its customers through continuous innovation. Through innovation, SWA evolves into a competitive company that is able to adapt to various changes.


Work professionalism makes SWA able to maintain customer loyalty. All SWA employees are entrusted with a great responsibility in their employment to be proactive in responding to customers' needs and providing quality work results.

Religi dan Nasionalis

Religi = melaksanakan ibadah keagamaan yang dianut.

Nasionalis = mampu secara spontanitas menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya & lafadz Pancasila

Budaya Swabina Gatra

  1. Visi Swabina Gatra = “Menjadi Perusahan Yang Dapat Tumbuh dan Berkembang dengan SEHAT dan Selalu UNGGUL dibidangnya”.
  2. Makna SIAP = Semangat, Ikhlas, Akhlak, Profesional
  3. Makna BISA adalah dengan Rahmat ALLAH SWT PT. Swabina Gatra pasti BISA mewujudkan Visi Perusahaan saat ini dan dimasa selanjutnya
  4. Spirit Swabina Gatra New Face yaitu
    1. Siapa Kita = Swabina Gatra
    2. Swabina = Siap Bisa
    3. Swabina Gatra = New Face

Budaya K3L

Melaksanakan aktivitas kerja sesuai ISO 45001:2018 Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) dan ISO 14001:2015 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan (SML)

Budaya 5R

  1. 5 R = Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat, Rajin
  2. Ringkas artinya menyingkirkan barang-barang yang tidak diperlukan.
  3. Rapi artinya meletakkan sesuai posisi yang ditetapkan.
  4. Resik artinya membersihkan peralatan & daerah kerja
  5. Rawat artinya menjaga kebersihan pribadi & tetap melaksanakan 3R tahap sebelumnya
  6. Rajin artinya memeliharan disiplin pribadi (komitmen) dlm menjalankan seluruh tahapan 5R

Service Excellence

  1. Service Excellence (Pelayanan Prima) adalah suatu pelayanan terbaik dan memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan pelanggan/user
  2. Unsur – Unsur Service Excellence yaitu
    1. Attitude (Estetika, Etika, Etos)
    2. SOP